
The Town picks up garbage twice a week. The East side of town is picked up on Monday and Thursday and the West side of town is Tuesday and Fridays. Please bag all items before placing into dumpster.

Monthly Rates for garbage:
Residential:  $21.00 
Businesses: $38.00 - for 2X week pickup; $55.50 for 3X week pickup, these rates are for 1 dumpster. Call Town Hall for rates for additional dumpsters.
Landfill Fee: $7.00 applies to both Residential and Businesses.


All Items must be bagged before placing in dumpster. All grass clippings, weeds, etc must be bagged.  The Town has a burn pile in which only yard waste, which is, grass, shrubs, tree branches, tree stumps, logs and weeds can be taken. Pallets, wood fencing, furniture, cupboards, cabinets, appliances, carpet, paper, and things of that sort are NOT ALLOWED.